Goodbye to the old hall

It has been a weekend of celebrations at St Thomas’ Church.
Firstly, we had a party to celebrate the old church hall ahead of it’s closure for redevelopment. This involved an (indoor) barbecue by “the men” (it was raining heavily), a beetle drive lead by Eileen, and a quiz lead by Brian, and suitable “goodbye” songs chosen by David Price. The food was plentiful (as ever), and the atmosphere joyful.

The various groups who regularly use the hall have painted messages on the old walls- “Messy Church” started the process, but the Mothers’ Union were quick to follow!

We are grateful for the wonderful resource that the old hall has been for some time over a hundred years. We are also thankful for the money that’s been raised for our new hall, and we will go forward in faith and trust for the future.

The next day in church, Tudor Lewis, who was one of the initiators in the new hall project, was presented with a special award in recognition and gratitude for his service to St Thomas’ in various rôles over several decades.

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