Look what happened to the old hall!
Hall Redevelopment Starts!
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Another milestone in the redevelopment of St Thomas’ Church Hall, Overmonnow was reached when the hall was handed over to contractors for the start of the building work. MG Contractors of Coleford will be leading the work to extend and modernise the hall ready to provide better community facilities and activities next year.
Steve Martin, Project Coordinator for the church said “We’re delighted the work has not got underway after several years of fundraising and hard work. We will continue to raise funds for equipment and fittings but can also now begin to plan advice work, drop-in support, job club and other new activities we will develop at the hall. We’re also keen to here new ideas from the community.”
The main building work will take until May next year. In the meantime, the activities that used the hall have temporarily relocated to other venues.
Fund-raising will continue and anyone who would like more information about the project should contact Steve Martin (Project Co-ordinator – 01600 772466) or Bill Leddington (Treasurer – 01600 714457).

Goodbye to the old hall
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It has been a weekend of celebrations at St Thomas’ Church.
Firstly, we had a party to celebrate the old church hall ahead of it’s closure for redevelopment. This involved an (indoor) barbecue by “the men” (it was raining heavily), a beetle drive lead by Eileen, and a quiz lead by Brian, and suitable “goodbye” songs chosen by David Price. The food was plentiful (as ever), and the atmosphere joyful.
The various groups who regularly use the hall have painted messages on the old walls- “Messy Church” started the process, but the Mothers’ Union were quick to follow!
We are grateful for the wonderful resource that the old hall has been for some time over a hundred years. We are also thankful for the money that’s been raised for our new hall, and we will go forward in faith and trust for the future.
The next day in church, Tudor Lewis, who was one of the initiators in the new hall project, was presented with a special award in recognition and gratitude for his service to St Thomas’ in various rôles over several decades.
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Contracts signed for new hall!
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The contracts for a new hall in Overmonnow have now been signed with MG Contractors Ltd of Coleford.
Many years since planning first started to redevelop St Thomas’ Church Hall, work is now expected to start in July, following the award of a grant of £340,000 from the Welsh Government, further fundraising, grants from several trusts and many donations.
The building work will take until April or May 2017 and once completed we will then need to make sure the hall is fully equipped and ready and we will continue fundraising towards all the fixture, fittings and finishing work.
To prepare for the work the hall will close on Sunday 29th May and there will be no further activities in the hall until it is re-opened next year (we hope it will be about Easter-time). All groups have been asked to remove everything they store at the hall. We will sell some items that are no longer needed and dispose of everything else. We have furniture, fridge, dishwasher, microwaves, chairs etc. to go.
- Sat 21 May: Goodbye Hall – Bring & Share Supper with games, beetle drive etc. Come and enjoy food, fellowship and fun in the hall.
Once closed we will complete the removal of all items and we are looking for storage space for some items including a electric piano, office equipment and kitchen items.
What’s it all for?
The redevelopment of the hall will include giving a new entrance courtyard and a new side entrance. The main hall will be extended and a new first floor prayer/quiet room added. There will be new toilets and the changes will enable three or four activities to go on at the same time.
However, the purpose is not primarily to improve the facilities for our ‘after church coffee’ but to enable us to help tackle poverty, to provide support for those who are isolated, and to serve the local community.
Plant Sale Great Success
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The plant sale on Monnow Bridge has so far raised over £350 towards St Thomas’ Hall redevelopment. Many thanks to all who bought plants, and to Steve and all the growers!
The next fundraising event will be coffee morning at Monmouth Priory on 11 June. Join us for tea, coffee, home made cakes and stalls.
Donation from Monmouth Lions Club
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Monmouth Lions Club have given £200 towards the redevelopment of St Thomas’ Church Hall. This comes from their Easter Egg Basket appeal. Bill Leddington, Church Treasurer received the cheque and thanked Mike Hargaden, President of the Lions Club. Steve Martin, Coordinator of the Hall Redevelopment project said “We’re really grateful to Monmouth Lions Club and those that contributed to their appeal. It takes us one step nearer to beginning the redevelopment which we hope will start in July”. When complete, the improved Hall will be able to provide a wide range of facilities and activities for the Overmonnow area.
Large Grant for Hall Redevelopment
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The Welsh Government have awarded St Thomas’ Church, Monmouth, a grant of £340,000 towards the redevelopment of their church hall as a facility for the Overmonnow community.
Revd. David McGladdery, Vicar of the Monmouth Group of Parishes, said “we are all delighted with the grant. We have been working on the plans for redeveloping the Hall for many years and church and community members have already raised over £60,000 towards the work. We still need another £80,000 to complete the project but I hope we will be able to start the work quite soon”.
The Hall is already used for a parent and toddler group, a senior citizens club, and for Rainbows, Girl Guides and other community groups. When the redevelopment is complete it is planned to provide a lunch club, drop-in support and a range of other activities.
The Hall is badly in need of modernisation and the capital grant from the Community Facilities Programme will help fund an improved entrance, enlarged main hall, new toilets and function rooms and modern facilities. Local councillor Sue White said “this will be great for the Overmonnow community and particularly for those who need support”.
Fund-raising will continue and anyone who would like more information about the project should contact Steve Martin (Project Co-ordinator – 01600 772466 stevejmartin52@btinternet.com) or Bill Leddington (Treasurer – 01600 714457).
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St Thomas’ Hall has had plenty of use over the years…
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